Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

falling in love

"Love the beauty of millions" was the word poets and youth today. Undeniably, falling in love makes us different from the others. Sometimes smiled to himself, sometimes sad and often people assume people who are in love like crazy. When we looked at their faces in the form of ink dots to depict meyatu someone we love is often a moment we forget ourselves. For those of you who have ever felt in love, things like this saudahlah natural and familiar. But for you the first time "Falling In Love", you should know that this feels like falling in love.

Then what the hell are the signs of being in love? Without presented here, eg you may already know, whether you're in love or not. There is a separate and very different feeling when we're falling in love with the person we really want dilimiliki completely. smile smile often alone, often daydreaming, often talking to himself with photos, sometimes angry but happy, and that is the sign of being in love.

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