Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

falling in love

"Love the beauty of millions" was the word poets and youth today. Undeniably, falling in love makes us different from the others. Sometimes smiled to himself, sometimes sad and often people assume people who are in love like crazy. When we looked at their faces in the form of ink dots to depict meyatu someone we love is often a moment we forget ourselves. For those of you who have ever felt in love, things like this saudahlah natural and familiar. But for you the first time "Falling In Love", you should know that this feels like falling in love.

Then what the hell are the signs of being in love? Without presented here, eg you may already know, whether you're in love or not. There is a separate and very different feeling when we're falling in love with the person we really want dilimiliki completely. smile smile often alone, often daydreaming, often talking to himself with photos, sometimes angry but happy, and that is the sign of being in love.

tips to get rid of laziness

tips to get rid of laziness attached to us. This is often done when I stick to being lazy myself.

1. Refreshes the mind sejenak.Rasa Lazy Lazy Way To Eliminate Sense
Refresh your mind does not have to recreation to tourist attractions. Degnan out of the house for a while or go out for a walk in between work.

2. Change the position or the position of Workplace Sitting
Improper sitting often become advocates for lazing. For example, sitting with our heads set against the desk. It would be very supportive for lounging bermalsa is sleeping.

3. Face wash or bath
With Cucui we face will feel fresh. If you wash your face can not eliminate laziness, it would be nice bath, then all expenses sleepy and others will feel worn out and excited about returning to work.

4. Chat with Friends
Talking with coworkers ataupub just chat about various things will help you to relieve lazy especially sleepy. But not for too long because ngpbrol chatting too long will also cause a sense of lazy to work.

5. Breath of Fresh Air
Started the fresh air we can do every afternoon or in the morning. It is not hard to do, we just membuthkan took about 15-30 minutes to get out and breathe the fresh air, the spirit will return to activities too fresh.

6. Drink a glass of water tea, coffee or water
With our drinking will feel fitter and feel the energy filled. With that it will reduce laziness attached to our bodies.

Mangosteen fruit benefits

Mangosteen fruit benefits not only lies in the fruit that has a high nutritional value, but it also has the Mangosteen Skin properties and benefits are pretty good for the health. The content of the mangosteen fruit such as vitamin C, fiber, potassium and even some biogis active compounds such as catechins and Proanthocyanidins make this tropical fruit a lot diuru by all circles of society. On the skin of the mangosteen, are antioxidants called Xanthones and a few other ingredients that are very useful for the human body such as: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral and antioxidant.

Efficacy and Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit For Health

a. Helping to combat pain (anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation, pain and joint damage associated with arthritis, or pain caused by exercise and minor injuries) 
b. Reduce free radical damage and inflammation - help maintain healthy blood vessels, lower cholesterol, protect the heart muscle, lowers high blood pressure 
c. Boost energy without stimulants 
d. Maintain intestinal health - relieve diarrhea, constipation, stimulates normal bowel health 
e. Both are used in Skin and Face - can be applied to the skin for eczema, fight bacteria that cause acne and teen issues which also helps accelerate wound healing 
f. Help fight infection - viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, fever 
g. Can reduce blood sugar in type II diabetes by making insulin more effectively 
h. Helps to fight free radical damage resulting cell mutations (cancer and tumor growth) 
i. Protect the brain and nerve health - helping to combat Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease 
j. Help to combat allergies (anti-histamine), supports the immune system 
k. Helps to manage weight - reduce body fat

lyric if you and i

If you and I
The course has a different
Should we Expect
Give an answer right sky

Although only one word
full of meaning
We can be sure
Listen to your conscience

You and I have always
You and I have always
for joint
Back to Reff:

We love us the same
Although barrier crossing
Bring hope for you and me
In the future ah ... ah ...
Back to Reff:

By : Nidji

tips to remove blackheads the natural

Causes of Blackheads 
1. Skin is not cleanClean skin is the main factor that can cause the appearance of blackheads on the skin surface. Skin is not clean can cause clogged pores by dirt on the skin causing blackheads.2. Too many oil producingOil can also be one of the causes that can cause blackheads. For that cut back oil production in our body such as wearing makeup that contains oil. 

Tips to Remove Blackheads the Natural
a.  Brine
 How to remove blackheads the first is wash your face with a mixture of salt water the way, add a tablespoon of salt in a basin of warm water. Salt will help reduce excess oil and eliminate blackheads.
 b. Toothpaste
 How to remove blackheads second is with toothpaste, take a little toothpaste, wipe the parts of blackheads. This method helps reduce the inflammation caused by blackheads and reduces the levels of excess oil.
 c. Orange / Lemon
 How to remove blackheads third is with an orange or lemon juice, water wipe feeling in the area of ​​blackheads, let up overnight. Acid from the lemon helps reduce oil on the skin. 
d. Orange peel
 How to remove blackheads is to mix four basic orange peel with water, apply on the infected area and leave it overnight. 
e. Aloe Vera
 Apply aloe vera on the face of blackheads (can be a way to make juice or rub it directly). Aloe vera is useful to help the healing process of skin blackheads become inflamed due to be faster. 
f. Ice cube
 Rub the area with blackheads on ice for 10 minutes, to help tighten and close the pores and prevent dirt and oil stuck to the skin that cause the occurrence of blackheads.
 g. White
 Mix one egg white with one tablespoon of honey in a bowl until blended. Apply mixture to face and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water to remove and prevent blackheads.
 h. Radish 
Combine horseradish with water. Apply mixture on face, leave for 30 minutes, rinse. Perform routine once a week.

resep rainbow cake

Rainbow Cake Ingredients:

     200 grams of wheat flour
     8 eggs
     300 grams of sugar
     300 ml cooking oil
     1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
     1 teaspoon emulsifier
     1/2 teaspoon salt
     Enough food coloring (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)

How to Make a Rainbow Cake:

     - First Beat 8 eggs and 300 grams of sugar until well blended and smooth using a mixer.
     - Then put 1 teaspoon emulsifier, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Beat until fluffy, finished, turn off the mixer.
     - Then take over and place the dough in a small bowl, combine vegetable oil, stir until well blended, set aside.
     - Add 200 grams of wheat flour little by little, stirring until well blended.
     - Insert the dough mixture that has been given oil, and stir until blended.
     - Divide the dough so 6 different parts of the container, then give each batter food coloring.
     - Use the pan size 24 x 12 cm (or as desired), cover with baking paper, put a thin smear of butter, pour the batter into it new.
     - Steam the dough pan for 20 minutes, remove from heat, let cool.
     - Give a pad of paper or plastic bread width at the bottom of the table or a place you used to compose each batter.
     - Arrange dough with desired color according to taste. Give a thin smear of buttercream on the layers.
     - When you have composed and cover all parts of the cake with the remaining buttercream.selesai

Tip: Let the steamed rainbow cake more appealing could be topping or garnish according to taste, you can add strawberry

Senin, 27 Mei 2013


I LOVE MY MOM no matter what we go through and no matter how much we we argue, because i know, in the end, she'll always be there for me